

  1. Swifts Schools Golf will be responsible for the administration of the tournament.

  2. Play will be governed by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews and the local rules of the Golf Club.

  3. The Tournament Director, in consultation with the coaches, will adjudicate any protests, claims, questions, or doubts arising from the tournament and their decision shall be final.


Conditions of Entries


  1. The tournament is an open invite to all schools. Entrants must be in full time education of high school ages and under.

  2. Schools can enter at least one team of 4 players. Schools can provide a second team and additional players from each school will be entered by the tournament committee to fill the field on the entry deadline has past.

  3. The draw will take place 7 days prior to the events. Please follow the 'Entry Form' section within the event portals to download an excel form.

  4. Entrance fee per player will be the same across all one day events and the same across all multiday events. Entrance fee includes green fees, tournament fees, any meals advertised, and prizes. Each team will be responsible for the organisation of their own practice rounds and accommodation.

  5. A handicap limit of 12 for males and females will be applied to all entries.


Conditions of Play


  1. All boys and girls entered must be attending school within years 7 - 13.

  2. Players will compete in 54 holes of stroke play, gross scores counting towards both the Individual Competition and the Team Competition.

  3. Individual competition will be conducted within the yardages indicated below wherever possible. Tee boxes of similar course rating will be selected across male and female tees to ensure the fairest possible competition when scores from both boys and girls can contribute to the team score.


   Category Name       Rough Yardage   
Flight A Boys 6,500 - 7,100
Flight A Girls 5,400 - 6,500


  1. Ties for the individual awards within categories will be determined by card count-back, starting with final 18 holes, followed by back 9, then back 6, then back 3. If it is still a tie hole by hole count back will begin starting from the18th hole of the last round until a winner is determined.

  2. Winners of the Scratch Team Competition (4 per team) will be determined by combining the 3 lowest gross scores within the team each round. A female and male team prize will also be awarded by combining the 2 lowest male scores and female scores from each school team each round.

  3. If a tie arises for the team prize the winner shall be decided by looking at the 4th players score in the final round. If there is no 4th player within a team or the 4th players have also tied, the winners will be announced based on which school had the lowest gross score within their counting scores on the final day. Should there still be a tie, the same rule will be applied to the 2nd and 3rd lowest scores consecutively on the final round. If there is still a tie countback shall begin with the lowest scoring players gross score in the final round until a winner is determined.

  4. The Tournament Committee wishes to draw the attention of all participants to the rules regarding slow play and undue delay. A group will first be put on the clock, before a 2 strokes penalty will be given to those offending individuals; for repeat offence – DISQUALIFICATION.

  5. Participants must report to the starter ten minutes before their stipulated times. Participants are reminded of Rule 6-3 ‘If the player arrives at his starting tee, ready to play, within 5 minutes after his scheduled tee time, the penalty for failure to start on time will be 2 strokes. Penalty for more than 5 minutes late – DISQUALIFICATION’.

  6. Participants not properly attired will not be allowed to play on the course. Sport shirts with collar, golf shirts, golf skirts, or trousers, golf Bermuda’s, and proper golf shoes must be worn.

  7. Parents will be allowed on the course should the host golf course permit. Please check when registering on the day of the event.

  8. Players should not exchange conversation with the gallery. Galleries are advised to their keep distance from the players. 1st offence – warning , 2nd offence 2 stroke penalty and parent will be banned from the golf course.

  9. Protests: Disputes or protests must be made in writing and be lodged with the Tournament Committee within 10 minutes of the completion of the competitor’s round.


4. Prizes


  1. Individual Gross awards will be given for the top 3 boys and girls.

  2. Gross Team awards will be given to the Team Champions and Runners-up Team, and Boys and Girls Team Winners.

  3. There will also be a prize for the male and female team winners as stipulated in the rules above.

  4. Individual and team OoM points are available at each event contributing to season standings.