HMC Strokeplay Tour Championships 2022/23 (54 Holes) Tee Sheet

Round 2 - Sat, April 22

JCB Golf & Country Club
Time Hole Players Hole Players
1:00 PM 1
Harry James WHT Gordons
David Wiltshire WHT Bedford
Leo Ferrini WHT Wellington College
Ben Atkins WHT Cranleigh School
Sam Strauss WHT Wellington College
Finlay Rennie WHT Bedford
1:09 PM 1
William Wilkins WHT Bedford
Gryffyn Stuckey WHT Reed's
Charles Langdon WHT Framlingham
Enno Schwabe WHT Lorretto
Luis Eboli Villegas WHT Rossall
Archie Mathers WHT Bedford
1:18 PM 1
Shaun Thomas WHT Bedford
Ethan Prior WHT Rossall
Will Bracha WHT Worksop College
James Bould WHT City London Freemen's
James Marriott WHT Cranleigh School
Max Halflants WHT Loretto
1:27 PM 1
Harry Evans WHT Wellington College
Freddie Sowerby WHT Framlingham
Finlay Fergusson WHT Reeds
Freddy Dortmans WHT Wellington College
Jack Peters WHT Bedford
James Parsons WHT Reeds
1:36 PM 1
Jack Howells WHT Cranleigh School
Archie Legg WHT Framlingham
Harry Midgley WHT East Leake Academy
Freddie Tucker WHT Bedford
Kaylen Martin WHT Loretto
William Mannering WHT Wellington College
1:45 PM 1
Gus Leetham WHT Milfield
Ralph Barker-Smith WHT Framlingham
George Cowie WHT Edinburgh Academy
Sean Gallacher WHT Loretto
Matthew Kim WHT Reeds
Eddie Wade WHT Bedford
1:54 PM 1
Till Mohr WHT Rossall
Harrison Shaw WHT Edinburgh Academy
Friso Boomsma WHT Reed's
Bryn Campbell WHT Wellington College
Louis Dudzus WHT Loretto
Calum Dawson WHT Loretto
2:03 PM 1
Hugo Rintoul WHT Edinburgh Academy
Dylan Mumford WHT Gordon's School
Theodor Schroeder WHT St Leonards
Ewen Farquhar WHT St Leonards
James Tipling WHT Loretto
James O'Toole WHT Rossall
2:12 PM 1
Aline Brede BLU Wellington College
Millie Cottrell BLU Gordon's School
Alex Yuill WHT Loretto
Toby Davies WHT Rossall
Joe Byrne WHT Wellington College
2:21 PM 1
Benny Attili BLU Wellington College
Lulu Leetham BLU Uppingham
George Cooper WHT Worksop College
Jamie McGeoch WHT Cranleigh School
Joshua Gates WHT Gordon's School
2:30 PM 1
Thomasine Batholdson BLU Wellington College
Grace Ward BLU Wellington College
Charlotte Jean BLU Gordon's School
William Mowe WHT Bedford
Joseph Gould WHT Gordon's School
Natthapong Manchuen WHT Rossall
2:39 PM 1
Daniela Montolio Reyes BLU Rossall
Ellie Lichtenhein BLU Wellington College
Molly Campbell BLU The Becket School
Skye Slijepcevic WHT Reeds
Henry Moore WHT Framlingham
Caspar Hengst WHT St Leonards
2:48 PM 1
Emilie May BLU Rossall
Estelle Berbner BLU Wellington College
Sophie Mardani BLU Gordon's School
Max Murray WHT Edinburgh Academy
Barnaby Gough WHT Gordons
Emil Hoffman WHT St Leonards
JCB Golf & Country Club
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Alex Yuill WHT Loretto
2:12 PM 10 White Joe Byrne + Toby Davies
Aline Brede BLU Wellington College
2:12 PM 1 Blue Millie Cottrell
Archie Legg WHT Framlingham
1:36 PM 1 White Harry Midgley + Jack Howells
Archie Mathers WHT Bedford
1:09 PM 10 White Enno Schwabe + Luis Eboli Villegas
Barnaby Gough WHT Gordons
2:48 PM 10 White Emil Hoffman + Max Murray
Ben Atkins WHT Cranleigh School
1:00 PM 10 White Finlay Rennie + Sam Strauss
Benny Attili BLU Wellington College
2:21 PM 1 Blue Lulu Leetham
Bryn Campbell WHT Wellington College
1:54 PM 10 White Calum Dawson + Louis Dudzus
Calum Dawson WHT Loretto
1:54 PM 10 White Bryn Campbell + Louis Dudzus
Caspar Hengst WHT St Leonards
2:39 PM 10 White Henry Moore + Skye Slijepcevic
Charles Langdon WHT Framlingham
1:09 PM 1 White Gryffyn Stuckey + William Wilkins
Charlotte Jean BLU Gordon's School
2:30 PM 1 Blue Grace Ward + Thomasine Batholdson
Daniela Montolio Reyes BLU Rossall
2:39 PM 1 Blue Ellie Lichtenhein + Molly Campbell
David Wiltshire WHT Bedford
1:00 PM 1 White Harry James + Leo Ferrini
Dylan Mumford WHT Gordon's School
2:03 PM 1 White Hugo Rintoul + Theodor Schroeder
Eddie Wade WHT Bedford
1:45 PM 10 White Matthew Kim + Sean Gallacher
Ellie Lichtenhein BLU Wellington College
2:39 PM 1 Blue Daniela Montolio Reyes + Molly Campbell
Emil Hoffman WHT St Leonards
2:48 PM 10 White Barnaby Gough + Max Murray
Emilie May BLU Rossall
2:48 PM 1 Blue Estelle Berbner + Sophie Mardani
Enno Schwabe WHT Lorretto
1:09 PM 10 White Archie Mathers + Luis Eboli Villegas
Estelle Berbner BLU Wellington College
2:48 PM 1 Blue Emilie May + Sophie Mardani
Ethan Prior WHT Rossall
1:18 PM 1 White Shaun Thomas + Will Bracha
Ewen Farquhar WHT St Leonards
2:03 PM 10 White James O'Toole + James Tipling
Finlay Fergusson WHT Reeds
1:27 PM 1 White Freddie Sowerby + Harry Evans
Finlay Rennie WHT Bedford
1:00 PM 10 White Ben Atkins + Sam Strauss
Freddie Sowerby WHT Framlingham
1:27 PM 1 White Finlay Fergusson + Harry Evans
Freddie Tucker WHT Bedford
1:36 PM 10 White Kaylen Martin + William Mannering
Freddy Dortmans WHT Wellington College
1:27 PM 10 White Jack Peters + James Parsons
Friso Boomsma WHT Reed's
1:54 PM 1 White Harrison Shaw + Till Mohr
George Cooper WHT Worksop College
2:21 PM 10 White Jamie McGeoch + Joshua Gates
George Cowie WHT Edinburgh Academy
1:45 PM 1 White Gus Leetham + Ralph Barker-Smith
Grace Ward BLU Wellington College
2:30 PM 1 Blue Charlotte Jean + Thomasine Batholdson
Gryffyn Stuckey WHT Reed's
1:09 PM 1 White Charles Langdon + William Wilkins
Gus Leetham WHT Milfield
1:45 PM 1 White George Cowie + Ralph Barker-Smith
Harrison Shaw WHT Edinburgh Academy
1:54 PM 1 White Friso Boomsma + Till Mohr
Harry Evans WHT Wellington College
1:27 PM 1 White Finlay Fergusson + Freddie Sowerby
Harry James WHT Gordons
1:00 PM 1 White David Wiltshire + Leo Ferrini
Harry Midgley WHT East Leake Academy
1:36 PM 1 White Archie Legg + Jack Howells
Henry Moore WHT Framlingham
2:39 PM 10 White Caspar Hengst + Skye Slijepcevic
Hugo Rintoul WHT Edinburgh Academy
2:03 PM 1 White Dylan Mumford + Theodor Schroeder
Jack Howells WHT Cranleigh School
1:36 PM 1 White Archie Legg + Harry Midgley
Jack Peters WHT Bedford
1:27 PM 10 White Freddy Dortmans + James Parsons
James Bould WHT City London Freemen's
1:18 PM 10 White James Marriott + Max Halflants
James Marriott WHT Cranleigh School
1:18 PM 10 White James Bould + Max Halflants
James O'Toole WHT Rossall
2:03 PM 10 White Ewen Farquhar + James Tipling
James Parsons WHT Reeds
1:27 PM 10 White Freddy Dortmans + Jack Peters
James Tipling WHT Loretto
2:03 PM 10 White Ewen Farquhar + James O'Toole
Jamie McGeoch WHT Cranleigh School
2:21 PM 10 White George Cooper + Joshua Gates
Joe Byrne WHT Wellington College
2:12 PM 10 White Alex Yuill + Toby Davies
Joseph Gould WHT Gordon's School
2:30 PM 10 White Natthapong Manchuen + William Mowe
Joshua Gates WHT Gordon's School
2:21 PM 10 White George Cooper + Jamie McGeoch
Kaylen Martin WHT Loretto
1:36 PM 10 White Freddie Tucker + William Mannering
Leo Ferrini WHT Wellington College
1:00 PM 1 White David Wiltshire + Harry James
Louis Dudzus WHT Loretto
1:54 PM 10 White Bryn Campbell + Calum Dawson
Luis Eboli Villegas WHT Rossall
1:09 PM 10 White Archie Mathers + Enno Schwabe
Lulu Leetham BLU Uppingham
2:21 PM 1 Blue Benny Attili
Matthew Kim WHT Reeds
1:45 PM 10 White Eddie Wade + Sean Gallacher
Max Halflants WHT Loretto
1:18 PM 10 White James Bould + James Marriott
Max Murray WHT Edinburgh Academy
2:48 PM 10 White Barnaby Gough + Emil Hoffman
Millie Cottrell BLU Gordon's School
2:12 PM 1 Blue Aline Brede
Molly Campbell BLU The Becket School
2:39 PM 1 Blue Daniela Montolio Reyes + Ellie Lichtenhein
Natthapong Manchuen WHT Rossall
2:30 PM 10 White Joseph Gould + William Mowe
Ralph Barker-Smith WHT Framlingham
1:45 PM 1 White George Cowie + Gus Leetham
Sam Strauss WHT Wellington College
1:00 PM 10 White Ben Atkins + Finlay Rennie
Sean Gallacher WHT Loretto
1:45 PM 10 White Eddie Wade + Matthew Kim
Shaun Thomas WHT Bedford
1:18 PM 1 White Ethan Prior + Will Bracha
Skye Slijepcevic WHT Reeds
2:39 PM 10 White Caspar Hengst + Henry Moore
Sophie Mardani BLU Gordon's School
2:48 PM 1 Blue Emilie May + Estelle Berbner
Theodor Schroeder WHT St Leonards
2:03 PM 1 White Dylan Mumford + Hugo Rintoul
Thomasine Batholdson BLU Wellington College
2:30 PM 1 Blue Charlotte Jean + Grace Ward
Till Mohr WHT Rossall
1:54 PM 1 White Friso Boomsma + Harrison Shaw
Toby Davies WHT Rossall
2:12 PM 10 White Alex Yuill + Joe Byrne
Will Bracha WHT Worksop College
1:18 PM 1 White Ethan Prior + Shaun Thomas
William Mannering WHT Wellington College
1:36 PM 10 White Freddie Tucker + Kaylen Martin
William Mowe WHT Bedford
2:30 PM 10 White Joseph Gould + Natthapong Manchuen
William Wilkins WHT Bedford
1:09 PM 1 White Charles Langdon + Gryffyn Stuckey